Terms of use

Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux provides a subscription service that allows our members to access the exclusive content of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux and the content of our associates (the "content of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux") transmitted through the Internet to devices connected to the Internet ("devices ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service").

This service is provided by Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux. These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, the phrases “the service of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux”, “our service” or “the service” refer to the service provided by Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux to discover and view content from Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux and its associates, including all the characteristics and functionalities, recommendations and criticisms, the website and the user interfaces, in addition to all the content and software associated with our service.

Subscription: Your Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux subscription will continue month to month until you cancel it. To use the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service, you must have access to the Internet and a device ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service, and provide a current, valid and accepted form of payment, which can be updated when necessary ("Payment method"). Unless you cancel your membership before the monthly billing date, you authorize Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux to charge your payment method next month's membership (see "Cancellation" below). In the case of Prepaid Subscriptions, the service will be automatically canceled once the paid period is completed, to continue its activity and maintain access to the Service provided by Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux the user must re-create and pay a subscription.

Free trials

2.1. Your registration in Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux allows you to access the free trial. The free trial period through registration is limited, and is intended to allow new members and certain former members to try the service. In other words, you can access Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux whenever you want as long as you remain registered.

2.2. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux determines eligibility for the free trial at its sole discretion and we can limit eligibility to prevent abuse of the free trial. We reserve the right to revoke the free trial and suspend your account if we determine that you are not eligible.

We may use information such as the device ID, payment method or email address of the account used with an existing or recent Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux subscription to determine eligibility. Restrictions may apply to combinations with other offers.

2.3. We will charge the monthly subscription fee through your Payment Method upon completion of the subscription form.


3.1. Billing cycle. Subscription charges for the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service and any other charges incurred in connection with your use of the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service, such as taxes and possible transaction costs, will be charged monthly to your Payment Method on the day calendar corresponding to the beginning of the payment portion of your subscription. In certain cases, your payment date may change, for example if your Payment Method was not established successfully or if your paid subscription began on a day that is not included in a given month.

3.2. Payment Methods. If the payment could not be made satisfactorily, due to the due date, lack of funds or if you do not modify the information on your Payment Method or cancel your account, we can suspend your access to the service until we obtain a Payment Method valid. By updating your Payment Form, you authorize us to continue charging through the updated Payment Form and you remain responsible for the uncollected amounts. This could result in a change in collection dates. For some Forms of payment, the issuer may charge you certain charges, such as foreign transaction charges or other charges related to the processing of your Payment Method. Local taxes vary depending on the payment method used. Check with the service provider for your Payment Method for information.

3.3. Cancellation. You can cancel your Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux membership at any time, and you will continue to have access to the service until the end of the monthly billing cycle. To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments are non-refundable and no refunds or credits will be granted for membership periods partially used or for the contents of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux not seen. To cancel, visit the "Your account" page and follow the instructions. If you cancel your membership, your account will be automatically closed at the end of your current monthly billing. To see when your account will close, click on "Billing details" on the "Your account" page. If you subscribed to Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux through your account with a third party as a form of payment and wish to cancel your Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux membership at any time, you may have to do so through that third party, either, when visiting your account with the third party corresponding to deactivate its automatic renewal or when canceling the subscription to the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service through that third party. You can also find information about the billing of your Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux membership , if you visit your account with the corresponding third party.

3.4. Changes in price and service plans. We may change our service plans and the price of our service from time to time. However, any change in prices or in our service plans will apply to you no later than 30 days after notification.

Service Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux

4.1. You must be 18 years of age, or the age of majority in your province, territory or country, to be a member of the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service. Minors may use the service with adult supervision.

4.2. The Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service and the contents accessed through our service are for personal and non-commercial use only. During the subscription or retail purchases of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to access the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service and contents with the purpose of viewing Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux content through our streaming service. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux and QueryLoop, Inc reserve the right to modify, replace or delete any content at any time. You will have access to the content purchased as long as that content is available. Except for such a limited license, no right or title will be transferred to you. You agree that you will not use the service for public presentations. In the event that acquired content is deleted or made unavailable for any reason you will have the ability to request access through other means, and Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux and QueryLoop, Inc reserve the right to analyze said request and eventually comply.

4.3. You can see the contents of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux mainly in the country where you established your account and only in the geographical places where we offer our service.

4.4. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux continuously updates the service, including its content catalog. In addition, we regularly test various aspects of our service, including our website, user interfaces, promotional functions and content availability of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux.

4.6. You agree to use the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service, including all the features and functionalities associated with it, under compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, or any other restrictions on the use of the service or its contents. You agree not to archive, reproduce, distribute, modify, display, execute, publish, grant licenses, create derivative works based on the service, or offer for sale, or use (except as explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use) content and information contained in or obtained from the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service. It also agrees not to: avoid, eliminate, alter, deactivate, interfere with or circumvent the content protections of the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service; use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated way to access the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service; nor decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble the software or other product or process that is accessed through the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service; introduce in some way a code or product or manipulate the content of the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service; or use any method of analysis, extraction or data collection. Likewise, it undertakes not to upload, publish, send by email or otherwise transmit any material designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment associated with the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service, including material that contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs. We may terminate or restrict your use of our service if you violate any of the Terms of Use or use the service illegally or fraudulently.

4.7. The image quality of the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux content may vary from device to device and may be affected by various factors, such as location, available bandwidth or Internet connection speed. The minimum connection speed for SD quality is 0.5 Mbps. All Internet access charges will be at your expense. Ask your Internet provider for information about possible charges for data usage for Internet use. The time it takes to start watching Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux content will vary according to various factors, including where you are, the bandwidth available at that time, the content you have selected and the configuration of your device ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux.

4.8. The Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux software is developed by QueryLoop Inc or at the request of Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux, and was designed to allow viewing of content through devices ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux software may vary by device and medium, and functionality and functions may also vary from device to device. You acknowledge that the use of the service may require third party software that is subject to third party licenses. You agree that you can automatically receive updated versions of the software from Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux or related third parties.

Passwords and account access. The member who created the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux account and whose charges are billed through his Payment Method (the "Account Holder") has access and control over the Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux account and over the devices ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux used to access our service. To maintain control over the account and prevent someone from accessing the account (which would include information on the account's viewing history), the Account Holder should maintain control over the devices ready for Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux that are used to access to the service and not reveal to anyone the password or the details of the Payment Method associated with the account. It is your responsibility to update and maintain the accuracy of the personal information you give us regarding your account. We may decide to cancel your account or suspend it to protect you, Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux or our partners against identity theft or other fraudulent activity.

Exclusion of guarantees and limitations to liability. The Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux service is offered "in the state it is in", without warranty or condition. In particular, our service is not declared without interruptions or errors. You waive all special, indirect and consequential damages against us. These terms will not limit the non-waivable warranties and consumer protection rights to which you are entitled under the laws of your country of residence.

Waiver of collective action. TO THE extent that the applicable laws allow you, YOU and Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux AGREE that EACH ONE CAN SUBMIT CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER PART ONLY IN OWN NAME, AND NOT AS ACTING OR PART OF A GROUP IN A COLLECTIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION. In addition, if applicable law permits, unless both you and Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux agree otherwise, the court may not accumulate the causes of more than one person with its cause or, otherwise, may not understand in any representative action or collective


8.1. Current law. These Terms of Use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws.

8.2. Unsolicited material. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux does not accept unsolicited materials or ideas for its content, and is not responsible for the similarity between the contents or the programming of any medium with the materials or ideas transmitted to Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux.

8.3. Customer service. If you need more information about our service and its functions, or if you need assistance with your account, write to us through the “HELP” button. In the event that there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the information collected by Customer Service or other sections of our website, these Terms of Use will govern.

8.4. Continuation of validity. If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use is declared void, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and application of the remaining provisions will continue in full force.

8.5. Changes to the Terms of use and assignment. Lojinha de Ebooks Editora Dufaux may change these Terms of use when necessary. We will inform you at least 30 days in advance if these new Terms of Use apply to you. We may assign or transfer our agreement with you, including our associated rights and our obligations at any time and you agree to cooperate with us in connection with such assignment or transfer.

8.6. Electronic communications. We will send you the information regarding your account (for example, payment authorizations, invoices, password changes or payment methods, confirmation messages, notices) electronically only, for example, by email to the email address provided during registration.

Last update: 2020 December 23st

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